when better means going the extra mile
—– What We Do —–
What We Do
Supported Living Services are a type of residential service selected by the person supported having individualized services and supports that enable the person supported to acquire, retain, or improve skills necessary to reside in a home that is owned or leased by the residents and which supports each resident’s independence and full integration into the community.
Personal Assistance Services
Personal Assistance Services are a type of service, selected by the person supported, offering individualized services and supports that enable the person to live in the community in a setting of their choice and which supports each person’s independence, rights, and full inclusion in the community. Personal assistance is often delivered in the place of residence of the person supported; however, it may be provided outside the person supported home in community-based settings where the Personal Assistance provider accompanies the person supported to perform tasks.
Supported Employment
Goal is to obtain, maintain, and/or advance in employment in an integrated setting, based on personal and career goals. This service can fall under three categories;
- Job Coaching Service
- Stabilization and Monitoring
- Pre-Employment Services (Exploration, Discovery, and Job Development)
Community Participation Services
Community Participation supports provide assistance for active and positive participation in a broad range of integrated community settings that allow the person to engage with the broader community, including people who do not have disabilities and who are not paid staff. Community Participation can include, but is not limited to, the following: age-appropriate community activities, groups, associations, and clubs, health and wellness classes or activities that relate to a person’s skills or interests, volunteer opportunities, and participation in self-advocacy training opportunities.
Wrap Around Services
The Intermittent Employment and Community Wraparound supports are expressly designed to support people in engaging in integrated community participation and employment when sustained, all-day participation in these opportunities outside the home is not possible.
—– Community Involvement —–
Community Involvement
- Visit Public Libraries
- Games & Crafts
- Events & Festivals
- Trips to the Pool
- Gym Time
- Bowling
- Special Olympics
- Birthday Parties
- Special Events
- Celebrate All Holidays
- Trips to the Aquarium
- Trips to the Water Park
- Museums
- Zoos
- Trips to Gatlinburg (Christmas & Christmas Parade)
- Multi-Day Vacations (Florida & South Carolina)
—– Our Locations—–
Our Locations
The Access Program has been serving the Upper Cumberland since 2008. Our specialty is caring for and loving special people. We do all we can to help individuals be independent and live life to the fullest possible. Oftentimes, the individuals we care for live in their own home in our coverage area. We have two offices: one in Jamestown, Tennessee and the other one in Cookeville, Tennessee. We serve four counties: Fentress, Putnam, White, and Cumberland Counties. Truly, we love each person we care for, and consider each and every one of them a friend!